I was one of the fortunate who was able to view a advanced screening of Michael Moore's SICKO! over the weekend, and I read a comment from another blog that asked a interesting question:
"Who are the SICKOS? Is it the insurance companies? Is it the drug companies? Is it the physicians? Is it the politicians that pander to them all?
"Who are the SICKOS? Is it the insurance companies? Is it the drug companies? Is it the physicians? Is it the politicians that pander to them all?
After thinking about the question for a couple of minutes, I realized:
Sure, there are more just like me. But I am the worst of the worst because I know better. I know that we allow ourselves to be brainwashed that we truly live in a THEM against US world. That the American way of life is the best possible way of life and you are a enemy of the state if you dispute this belief. Hell, a new poll just came out and said 41% of the American people still believe there’s a connection between Iraq and 9/11. Even in a world that now has instant communication via phone and Internet. Even in a world where sound and images can never be lost and forgotten in time due to YouTube, "the powers that be" is still able to keep the masses deaf, dumb, ignorant and afraid of reality. We, the American people, CONSISTENTLY vote and act against our own best interests. We allow abortion, gun rights, taxes, and gay marriage to weigh more on our political decisions and alliances than health care, livable income, education and the environment.
Today, THIS VERY MINUTE, both the Democrats and Republicans are allowing our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and strangers to fight and die in Iraq because they want to wait until September (or beyond) to call the “surge” failed, and this policy insane even though its obvious to the rest of the world now! We ALL know that we can make the necessary adjustments to save lives today, and that we could’ve made three years ago, and that we will be forced to make three months or three years from now. Yet, we won’t, and WHY?
A person in the film "SICKO!" stated the difference between the French and the Americans is: “The French government fear their People, while the American People fear their government.”
I tolerate a government that couldn't decipher a memo that read "Al-Qaeda is determined to attack inside of America." That oversight resulted in the lives of 3,000 Americans and counting. I tolerate a government that couldn't comprehend a briefing that stated "the levees may not hold" or watch a computer model of what would happen. That resulted in the lives of over 1,800 Americans and counting. I tolerate a government t led by Vice President Dick Cheney who (according to Think Progress) stated "...American military personnel involved in a civil war inside Iraq would literally be a quagmire" back in 1991 during the Gulf War. That reversal has resulted in the deaths of over 3,500 troops and well over 100,000 casualties on both sides and counting.
Tony Benn, former British politician, said it best: "If you can find money to kill people, you can find money to help people."
I tolerate a government that celebrate our triumphs, but pay lip service to our tragedies. And my response? Albert Einstein once defined insanity as "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I get upset, I get frustrated, I point my finger at the "bad guys", and type in a blog that no one will read. I'll go to bed at night with a clean conscience, and wake up and do it all over again tomorrow. Like most Americans, I am insane.
Therefore, I AM A SICKO!