Sunday, June 24, 2007

Who is Mister Anderson?

Who is Mister Anderson?

In this world, we love to categorize and sub-categorize everything and everyone. It's not enough to be a human. You must be labeled down to the finite so you can be properly filed.....and then.....forgotten.

I no longer care how or where I am filed because like the millions of others who share my "demographic", we will be left and locked in cold storage. A place so cold, a place so dark, that even "time" cannot escape. (Wow, that was deep! ;-) So without further delay.....


I am: a single, non-white, 18-34 year old, progressive libertarian, registered Independent, pro-all religions, non-religious myself, fact-based, middle-class, middle America, military veteran, in shape, unhealthy, uninsured, kinda introverted, no kids, high-school education, some college, no criminal background, professional - other, pro-war, anti-Iraq War, pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro-assisted suicide, pro-stem cell research, anti-cloning, pro-free market, anti-irresponsible free trade, pro-evolution, pro-gay rights, pro-affirmative action, anti-reparations, pro-gun, anti-lethal ammunition, pro-Hip Hop, anti-lifestyle rap, pro-English as the U.S. official language, pro-secure our borders first, anti-punish the illegal immigrants already here, pro-effective social programs, anti-large government, pro-National ID card, pro-felons allowed to vote, pro-ID card to vote, anti-health care for-profit, anti-eliminating private health care, anti-media for-profit, pro-free education K-graduate school for all U.S. citizens who earn it, anti-electoral college, anti-political correctness, pro-porn, anti-partisan, pro-collective good, born in America, male.

I am a pissed off
member of the Forgotten Forty.

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